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Ole Lindqvist


Ole izglītību ieguvis Kunstgewerbeschule Cīrihē, Orhusas Mākslas akadēmijā un Billedskolen Kopenhagenā. Kopš 1988. gada Ole strādājis par pasniedzēju vizuālās mākslas, radošuma un individuālās attīstības jomā, no 1990. gada ir pasniedzējs Orhusas Mākslas akadēmijā. Gadu gaitā papildinājis savu izglītību Sistēmiskajā pedagoģijā (Dispuk); mākslas koučingā (Expressive Arts), Transpersonālā mākslas terapijā (ITP, Berne) un personības attīstībā (Center for Growth, Dānijā).


Educated in Applied Art School in Zurich, Schwitzerland, Aarhus Art Academy, Denmark(painting) and Billedskolen in Copenhagen and Lolland, also Denmark. (sculptural work)

Ole has since 1988 taught in Denmark, Germany, Poland and the Baltic contries in the field of visual arts, creativity and personal development. Teacher at Aarhus Art Academy since 1990 where he taught painting and creativity-training. From 2003 - 2012 he was leading workshops “Art and self-development” with the use of art therapeutic methods. 

He has been trained over the years in the fields of systemic pedagogy (DISPUK, Denmark) Intermodal Art Coaching (Expressive Arts, European Graduate School,SCH.Paolo Knill), Transpersonal art therapy by Sergej Fausto Sommer and at Center for Growth - school for self-development, Denmark).

He is since 2014 teaching Creativity at the Latvijas Transpersonālās psiholoģijas profesionālā asociācija (LTPPA) and has in 2020 participated in a one year research project at the University of Southern Denmark on existential care for cancer patients, where he was leading the art-as-therapy workshops. 

From 2016-2019 he received training as a psychotherapist in the Pesso-Boyden Therapy, PBSP. Trainer: Arnoud van Buuren, Holland. Ole is co-founder of the M22 Artspace in Kuldiga where he teaches painting and classes for self development using methods based on the therapeutic aspects of artistic work. He is inspired from Carl Gustav Jung and has especially worked with the method called “active imagination”

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